Wednesday 18 January 2012

Winter blahs

There are many questions on my mind of late: why am I always so tired? Why don't I pick up the guitar that's to my immediate right more often? Why is my garage so cold that I no longer want to work on my old machine(s)? Why do I like pickles now after a lifetime aversion to them? How does one overcome a general malaise induced by winters' darkness?

 What if...the bike was loaded onto the trailer and the truck hooked up and pointed south. Stop when there is no longer frost on my windshield. Plug in the heated vest.

 Ride the 101 South from Seattle to Northern California. It would rain. It might be fogged in. I would get a lot of coffees along the way.

 And I would be riding and twirling my thoughts in my helmet like a school girl twirls her hair with one finger.