Wednesday 24 July 2013

Hump day

 Normally my week starts on Tuesday comprising of an atypical 4 day work week; shaking the 5 day week foundation of earners in hard working Calgary. Unfortunately this is truly hump day for me, with my presence required this past Monday for some extra toil at my desk.
 I managed one picture on my bike commute today. An excellent ride for sure.


Tuesday 23 July 2013

GSXR part 2

 There's lots you can do with motorbikes and this is a good example. Some mods like suspension, seats, and exhaust get overlooked or just a slight nod of approval. With light hearted intentions, I presume there's a startup business potential here!

Monday 22 July 2013

Beer and handle bars

   I can't say I'm really familiar with Suzuki  GSXR bikes but I know what they look like. With fat sport bike back tires, tree trunk forks, and carbon fiber air dams these machines churn out serious power. Add to that clip on bars - no wait, this GSXR doesn't have clip ons; wide motocross bars casting the riders shadow further a field sit atop a reworked triple tree replacing the clip on bars to the delight of the Gixers custom minded owner for a much more 'gentle' riding position, a novel and well executed transformation.
 I like the look. On a beer run yesterday my neighbor and I rode to Turner Valley to have a quick glance at the carnage and reconstruction of a major blacktop artery that connects Turner Valley to Black Diamond post 'flood of 2013'. More time could have been spent looking at the jaw dropping high water mark but I was itching for a beer.
 Returning to Bragg Creek and stopping at the saloon I had a better look at the Renthal bars on the GSXR. Great idea no doubt in my mind. Now I think I should have hung onto that bullet proof 1984 FJ 1100 and not balked at its "humping a football" riding position I was eager to get away from.

Saturday 20 July 2013


There are lots of the little suckers right now. Big Mosquitos and these miniscule ones with a potent sting!
 I admit I may have emulated their annoying flight pattern on my ride to and from work yesterday, much to the chagrin of the cagers around me! Buzzing up close to bumpers before sidestepping to the next lane and carrying on around them.
 I rode along side a nice sounding bright yellow 650 Yamaha sport bike for a while on my way through town, whose rider showed interest in the Buell, not surprised by its 1200 cc largess motor - maybe because I popped the wheel off the line ahead of him, a little juiced on adrenalin and too much coffee at work. Brought that front wheel almost a hurdle height off the blacktop!
 The rider slipped away to his exit and I traveled on, onto the highway and out of town towards home.

Wednesday 17 July 2013


All the gear all the time. My only trepidation on my ride home in a very very heavy rain storm was the lightening I was seeing up ahead in the near distance. Barely out of town and in crawling traffic, albeit for only a few extra minutes, I was dead center in a warm deluge of rain, and apposing traffic sent curling walls of water from the adjacent lane over myself and the caged commuters slowly escaping with me. I was pleasantly surprised as the caged crowd moving in my direction kept respectful distance from me, although they may have felt my stupidity for riding in such a storm might rub off on them therein giving me plenty of room.
 With all the gear from thinning crown to feet my disposition remained tempered and my confidence sound as a pound; only the lightening and threatening reports of hail hastened my pulse and could have chipped away at my resolve.
 Unfortunately snap shots of the torrent up to my rims was not to be documented  ; my phone is not deluge proof.
The low slung and drenching cloud I left behind:
My pants:

The road ahead:
All the gear makes all the difference.

Thursday 4 July 2013

No snooz-fest this morning

Gravity is having less of an effect on the Buell's front tire these days. The impulse to wind up the motor and slide the clutch in first gear off a light, bringing the front tire off the ground, is overtaking my sensibilities more often; sensibilities like drive belt life , clutch life, and generally strong arming a motor I want to last a long, long time. But seriously, that front wheel doesn't want to stay down!

Wednesday 3 July 2013

Living the dream

There's sarcasm in the title no doubt. Few elements encapsulating the epitome of the westernized dream are amiss in my life. Sure there's always bigger, better, and shinier (motorcycles, for example) but I have it all.
 However, some days, some mornings, it's difficult to recall my good fortune enlisting instead the mannerisms of an inhospitable, chained and indentured pit bull before a scrap. I ate traffic from the right lane and shoulder like a nefarious 2 year old eating smarties. And I loved it.
...and the ride home:

Tuesday 2 July 2013

A hot one.

35 degrees Celsius today? That's a hot one. Or 95 F...
 Traffic was like a mild salsa - a bit spicy but tame enough to do a couple lifts of the front tire on the green lights.